company Announcements

Treating Long Covid: The Persistent Virus Hypothesis

Treating Long Covid: The Persistent Virus Hypothesis

A Novel Diagnosis and Treatment TO BOOK YOUR ANTIBODY IMMUNITY SPECTRUM TEST: Visit our clinics   Elimination of a SARS-CoV-2 infection requires both antibody and T cells for complete clearance of the coronavirus from the localised infection site. Systemic...

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Treating Long Covid: The Persistent Virus Hypothesis

A Novel Diagnosis and Treatment TO BOOK YOUR ANTIBODY IMMUNITY SPECTRUM TEST: longcovid@re-cognitionhealth.comElimination of a SARS-CoV-2 infection requires both antibody and T cells for complete clearance of the coronavirus from the localised infection site. Systemic...

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Long Covid – can we weaken its grip?

Long Covid – can we weaken its grip?

#LongCovid is now affecting over 2 million people in the UK, a "mass disabling event" harming health and livelihoods. In the US, where it is reported over 20 million are afflicted with the condition, Long Covid is being described as the “next public health disaster”...

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What is Long COVID?

What is Long COVID?

What is Long Covid? Long Covid, also known as long-haul covid or post-acute COVID syndrome (PACS), is being increasingly discussed in the media as cases persist in the United Kingdom. Both the NHS and the CDC identify it as COVID-19 symptoms that continue for longer...

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