
Attomarker is a company with a collaborative DNA. Already a University spin-out, we recognise the power of our technology and biomarker expertise with academic, clinical, pharmaceutical and commercial partners. Consequently, we are always keen to hear from the following:

  • Clinics, Clinicians & Providers (Private or Public), with potential applications or to assist in validation, to express areas of unmet need, and of course to use our technology.
  • Academic Groups, for instance, we have an active programme of exploration with a significant neurology group, research grant applications in Post-Covid Syndrome and more.
  • Pharma & Biotech, we have a collaboration in cancer companion diagnostics and there is huge potential in the arenas of rapid patient selection, identifying responders before treatment to improve clinic trial specificity and more.
  • Distribution, even though this information is about our Pipeline, we are prepared to take expressions of interest for distribution.


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