covid-19 antibody immunity test

How does the antibody testing service work?

Below you will find the stepwise process that delivers a full Covid-19 Antibody Immunity Profile, plus your C Reactive Protein level (a measure of inflammation), to your inbox in as little as 48 hours, allowing you to make intelligent choices based on a true picture of your immunity profile, duration of protection and thus vulnerability to Covid-19 infection.

1. Purchase your Antibody Test & Profile, providing your preferred location for your venous blood sample.

2. Customer Services contacts you within 1 working day to organise the most convenient appointment.

3. You attend, where a trained nurse at the phlebotomy centre will take your blood sample.

4. Results are processed by the central laboratory (completed in 24-48 hours) from when your sample was taken.

5. Full profile and detailed report are then provided directly to you by email.

6. Results also available on the Biomark iOS App

7. Enhanced support and explanation options provided too