The world’s largest medicine galleries open at the Science Museum Saturday 16th November, and Attomarker is there
Nov 15, 2019
The entire first floor of the Science Museum has been transformed into ‘Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries’, bringing together 3,000 medical artefacts, artworks, interactive games and immersive experiences in a vast new permanent...
Attomarker wins the ‘One to Watch’ award at the UK’s prestigious OBN Life Sciences event in Oxford
Nov 8, 2019
The annual OBN Life Sciences Awards, now in their 11th year, attracts the great, the good, and the up and coming of the UK life sciences industry, 300 of whom attended last night’s ceremony in Oxford. Celebrating innovation and...
Attomarker the only British diagnostic device on show at the New York AMR summit, being held around the UN General Assembly opening, September 23rd, 2019
Sep 9, 2019
The success of the Science Museum’s “Superbugs” exhibition, currently travelling throughout China and India, has now resulted in an invitation to attend an AMR (antimicrobial resistance) summit being held in parallel with...
Attomarker invited to India to help in the fight against antimicrobial resistance
Sep 2, 2019
Attomarker is delighted to be invited to India at the opening of “Superbugs. The End of Antibiotics?” exhibition in Delhi on 6th September 2019. The exhibition is being formally opened by India’s Health Minister, Harsh...