Attomarker is supporting Professor Andrew Shaw’s research group at the University of Exeter in a series of important experiments to understand patient responses to the covid-19 coronavirus. 

Attomarker technology will allow a rapid test for antibodies in the patient’s blood to five surface antigens and a simultaneous measurement of the inflammatory biomarker, C-reactive protein. The results of each individual test will be available in around five minutes.

If successful, we will be able to answer the following questions about the patient: 


•         Is the patient sick and raising an immune response to the virus? 

•         Is the patient’s immune response going to be protective? 

•         Has the patient recovered, no longer sick but protected? 


Professor Shaw is working in collaboration with Professor Chris Hyde of the Exeter Medical School and Professor Jonathan Edgeworth at St Thomas’s Hospital Centre for Clinical Infection and Diagnostics. This latter is one of the technology assessment centres contributing to the government’s response to the pandemic. 


The experiments will be performed, analysed and written up for urgent peer review. No further announcements will be made until then.