Attomarker has been selected as one of the companies by Innovate UK for the following category: 

GBIP in Hyderabad and Bangalore, India – Antimicrobial Resistance, diagnostics and therapeutics

Why India? India has recognised the importance of AMR, and the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has established three technical bodies: The Intersectoral Coordination Committee, Technical Advisory Group, and Core Working Group to develop a National Action Plan on AMR (NAP-AMR).

The NAP-AMR, largely modelled on the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) – global action plan on AMR, highlights the crucial need to prevent the development of new resistant organisms, limiting their transmission and further spread as an international issue.

The 5-year NAP-AMR (2017–2021) was intended as a pivotal blueprint for states to develop their own state action plans to tackle AMR. However, only three states out of 28 (0.84% of the country) have established state action plans, namely Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, and Delhi.

The strategic implementation began in early 2017, determining six strategic fields of activity and objectives that recognise cooperation between different areas, ensuring each one’s integrity — a One Health approach. Consequently, there is a significant AMR Ecosystem within India.

The GBIP will include a visit to both Bangalore, the capital of Karnataka and Hyderabad, the capital of Telangana.

These two cities stand out as technology hubs with advanced healthcare infrastructure and a thriving innovation ecosystem. C Camp Bangalore is such an example which operates an initiative supported by the Department of Biotechnology, Govt of India, wherein a team of UK and Indian researchers are working together to tackle the rising prevalence of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) in the environment.

Leveraging the expertise, resources and collaborative networks in these two cities may significantly impact AMR mitigation efforts nationwide and globally.
