book your test

Congratulations. You are now booking your Attomarker Test.

You will be taken through a number of simple steps, including capturing your date and time preferences for the appointment required to take your blood sample, then the purchase process. You will receive an on-screen confirmation and then an email confirmation/ receipt. A Customer Services Agent will then contact you directly within 1 working day, to arrange the exact time and ensure you have the full location for the phlebotomy clinic.

Finding Your Closest Location

Under preferred location, you’ll find England first, organised alphabetically by county then town/postcode area, followed by Channel Islands, Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales

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Terms of Service, Data Processing, Transmission & Storage v1.6

The Attomarker Covid-19 Antibody Immunity Test is delivered by Attomarker Ltd (the technology provider), Nationwide Pathology (the central laboratory processing centre and coordinator for phlebotomy services, and a designated partner phlebotomy clinic (the sample collection partner). The terms and conditions hereafter apply to all of the above, as though they were one, referred to hereinafter as The Parties. Each of The Parties may have individual terms and consent, but this will be separately requested at the point of service it relates to.

Data will be processed, transferred between the above parties and stored for the primary purpose of conducting the service, quality assurance of the testing process, and aggregating data for anonymised, population based analysis and reporting.

Attomarker Ltd only may produce documents, reports, studies and materials, hereafter referred to as Materials, based on the aggregated, anonymised data. This will always be based on bulk data, without client details or identifiable information. These materials may be used for research purposes, communication of population immmunity status (not individual) e.g. to various departments, media and interested parties, and communicating the value or application of the service i.e. marketing). Besides as is necessary for delivering the test and results to the client, all use and transmission in the context of this paragraph will be anonymised, based on aggregated, not individualised, data.

The Parties are required to store data for the purposes of delivering the service, quality assurance, and for examining aggregated data, for research and other purposes described above.


Every person’s immune response to the various Coronavirus vaccines is unique. Additionally, the virus itself is undergoing frequent mutations to products different variants. Attomarker has proposed a blood antibody threshold that predicts levels of antibodies in the nasal mucosa – a key indicator of protection against infection. These and the technology itself are based on robust science and experience with antibody thresholds built up over many decades, antibodies and the diseases they are linked to. However, it is important to note and acknowledge the following:

Important note: Although this antibody immunity test is based on robust science to back up the findings in practise, immunity is complex and there are other factors that affect individuals or that may leave you prone to infection; please continue to exercise caution in the midst of the pandemic. Your test results are intended for guidance only, and are just part of taking informed decisions, which have many and wider inputs. Although we will do our utmost to provide insight on some of these wider factors or inputs, because of this individuality and the mutating nature of the virus, The Parties cannot accept any liability for behavioural decisions or actions following receipt of test results.